"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts
I've always been amazed at how gently life pulsates with nature's rhythms. Life glitters in daylight, falling asleep by night. It aligns with the Moon's phases and yields to the Sun's cycles. Just as winter is followed by spring, our lives have seasons. I invite you to discover your inner day-night dance. We all experience highs and lows, and seeing them as natural rhythms is liberating.
My personal journey through writer's block got me pondering on this. Living in today's high-pressure society makes it hard to escape creative stagnation. For weeks, I blamed myself for not living up to the productivity standards set by today's hustle culture. I found myself trapped, chastising myself for not keeping up, for not always being "on". Do you ever feel that pressure? But then clarity struck: not every day is about pushing, sometimes it's about pausing, reflecting, and recharging.
Being kind to oneself is paramount during these personal 'retrograde' moments, reminiscent of the cosmos's cycles within. It's also equally crucial to differentiate natural ebbs from unproductive patterns. We're not talking today about negative beliefs that get you trapped in a destructive circuit. Instead, we're looking for the light in the darkest periods of life, and the only way to find it is to dive into the dusk bravely. As Persephone spends half the year in Hades, we shall uncover our Underworld fearlessly, remembering that spring is coming. It is the ebb and flow of our life and seasons. And yes, I'm invoking myths again.
So, how do I bridge over my winters? Firstly, I surrender. Remember I told you surrender is a magical concept of living? It is magical, and it is working. I surrender to the frost, embracing the chill, finding warmth in self-reflection, grounding in the present through meditation and movement. Clichéd as they might sound, I lean on meditation and physical activity as the most powerful tools. They help me calm my inner storm down and retain focus amidst a foggy sea, blurring my creative horizons. Notice the rhythm as you breathe in and out; listen to your heart's steady beat. Aren't these yet more cycles in play?
I will always encourage you to seek inner peace, my dears. For centuries, people have attempted to capture that transcendental sensation: the Creator's eternal pursuit, ever-creating yet ever-elusive to oneself. A divine cycle mirrored in our very essence. It's like our godlike nature compels us to continuously create, so we are doomed to run, perpetually seeking rest within ourselves. And the only way to find peace is to accept yourself the way you are. Not run from, but love yourself. It's so obvious! Yet, once you are filled with love to the brim, you have no other choice but to start a new cycle of creation.
Trust in your timing; you'll sense the perfect moment to unfold your wings. No rush, begin with baby steps. Tune into your life's unique rhythm. We might not always see the whole lap, but we can trust its completion.
With love and gratitude, Nik ❤️