From Balance to Fear: Embracing Uncomfortable Emotions

From Balance to Fear: Embracing Uncomfortable Emotions

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison

In my previous reflection on balance, I hinted at a pivot toward discussing fear and horror. A notion that might seem abrupt, perhaps even alarming. However, as fate would have it, while leafing through pages of Greek mythology, I found an unexpected harmony. I discovered that the goddess of Harmony, herself a symbol of balance, had brothers known as Phobos and Deimos, the personifications of fear and horror. This unexpected familial link suggested a serendipitous path for our exploration. It reaffirmed my belief that even sharp turns in our conversation can be harmonious.

And so, let me introduce you to our first ally in this journey: fear. Yes, fear. An unexpected friend, you might think. Yet, while fear is often portrayed as an adversary to be conquered or eradicated, I invite you to view it from a different perspective. Fear, in its purest form, is a signal. It nudges us towards introspection, asking us to critically analyze the circumstances that awakened it.

Our society often condemns fear, considering it a sign of weakness. Yet, true courage isn't about the absence of fear but the ability to overcome it. Fear cannot harm us unless it manages to paralyze our ability to think and act. Here's the paradox I want you to ponder: you have nothing to fear as long as you remain composed and see fear as an ally. When you listen to your feelings and trust yourself, fear can guide your way. It becomes a bell, not an alarm, pointing you toward areas you need to address.

And then we reach an extreme form of fear: horror. If fear is a gentle bell, then horror is a booming gong, asking you: how did you let yourself get here? Recognize that you can only truly be horrified by yourself, by your own actions. Be grateful for this emotion, for it strips away illusions, revealing what you've carefully concealed from your own gaze.

Just as Phobos and Deimos sprang from Ares' passionate love for Aphrodite, so are fear and horror in our lives - bipolar forms of love. They can inflict suffering, or they can serve as beacons guiding us toward the love that gave birth to them. The choice is ours.

Let's conclude today by remembering Icarus from Greek mythology. We are capable of soaring high, reaching beyond our imagined limits. Yet, it's crucial not to lose sight of our own humanity, lest we burn in the sun of our own hubris. Listen to yourself, trust yourself, and above all, love yourself!

With love and gratitude, Nik ❤️
