Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius
In a world where habits are all the rage, with countless apps vying to shape our routines, you might be curious why Unhabit takes a different approach. Well, let me tell you why. It's time to shed some light on our perspective and unveil the reason behind our approach to dealing with habits.
I've received many inquiries about incorporating habit-building functionality into Unhabit or even creating a separate app for it. While I appreciate the interest, I only invest my time and energy in ideas I genuinely believe in. So, why the hesitation?
Let's face it — trying to control good habits can be just as exhausting as battling bad ones. I've personally experimented with various habit-building programs, and some were quite enjoyable. Take Fabulous, for instance, which guided me through daily routines in a delightful and informative way. But over time, I noticed something peculiar.
The routine started to feel like a chore. I found myself mindlessly going through the motions: drinking water because it was time, exercising because the clock said so, meditating because the app told me to. The genuine connection to my desires and the joy of acting upon them seemed to fade away. It became a monotonous script executed on autopilot. And that's what we call a habit.
It dawned on me that these newfound "good" habits were making me just as unfree as the ones I was trying to overcome. I realized that I wanted to perform these actions because I truly wanted to, not because an app commanded me to do so. I yearned for actions filled with authenticity and genuine desire. That's when I had an epiphany.
The need to form good habits often stems from a lack of self-trust. We constantly question if we can achieve what we want and obsess over the end results, neglecting the beauty of the process itself. So, I decided to shift my perspective.
I continued engaging in activities that I valued but without rigid control. I allowed myself to relax and perform these actions only when genuine desire arose within me. On other days, I embraced idleness or immersed myself in work without restraint. I stopped forcing myself and started honoring the natural ebb and flow of my wants and needs. And you know what? It changed everything.
These conscious actions, driven by my inner compass, brought me immense pleasure and eradicated any doubts. I learned to trust myself and my feelings. Every day, I'm reminded that my "want" always leads to my "must."
So, dear habitats of Unhabit, I invite you to let go of the habit trap. Embrace self-love, indulge in your desires, and trust yourself. Let your daily actions remain conscious, intentional, and filled with awareness. No need to turn them into rigid habits — let them be moments of genuine connection and mindfulness.
With Unhabit, we're breaking free from the chains of habitual living. Let's embark on this beautiful journey together!
With love and gratitude, Nik ❤️