"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
I hope you've grasped the idea of useless suffering when we run in circles led by illusions. Yet, life's full of highs and downs. When can we see suffering as a natural part of our development and an essential milestone on our Path? How to embrace Sacrifice without fearing the suffering? Today, I will unveil the mystical power of Sacrifice as a Healing Act made out of love.
Let's agree on terms. Sacrifice isn't about ancient rituals, nor is it about generous gifts. Sacrifice is giving up something vital to you without expecting a return. Sacrifice is always made out of love. The parents-kids relationship is a clear example, where both parties constantly sacrifice time and energy to help each other, fostering love and gratitude, making the family grow and develop.
I often think of Sacrifice as a mystical act that manifests abundance in our lives. It's like declaring, "I have everything, and I can sacrifice anything as it won't make me feel smaller or lacking." Such a notion is magical, yet simple, and so powerful that it feels like a highway to mental wealth. It fills you with a sense of generosity and trust in yourself as an inseparable part of the Universe.
Indeed, loss and suffering are an essential part of Sacrifice. However, conscious, intentional Sacrifice differs from acts of martyrdom or self-flagellation. Sacrifice is more like a self-agreement made beyond time and space to heal yourself, to aid others' healing. Healing often comes through pain. This pain can be a path to wisdom, compassion, and abundance.
Again, I don't want you to confuse Sacrifice with a transactional concept. The magic vanishes if you wait for a return. Replacing the sense of lack with a magical foretaste of something greater is the essence. I don't desire you to be free from wants but to trust in a miracle coming your way.
One more time, I reflect on myths and stories. Did Frodo truly understand the gravity of his sacrifice when he took the Ring to Mordor? Was he aware that he was giving up his peace and risking his life? Did Prometheus, in his audacious act of stealing fire for humanity, comprehend the full extent of his punishment? These tales hint at a profound truth: we often embark on paths or make sacrifices without fully grasping what they entail. We might not choose our circumstances, but we are responsible for our choices within them. What choices will you make without fear or doubt?
I thank you for being a part of my journey! I encourage you to live fully. Trust yourself, and embrace the unknown with courage and love. Be filled with abundance. You know what you need to make a perfect choice, and you have what it takes to create a perfect life.
With love and gratitude, Nik ❤️